About Angelika
Born in Berlin and trained as a medical laboratory technician in Germany, Angelika has always been interested in alternative healing methods.
She would start her professional training in Reflexology and Traditional Chinese Medicine after moving to Taiwan. Living in Hong Kong she received diplomas in Holistic Aromatherapy and Esogetic Colourpuncture.
Holding certificates for Acupuncture and Acupressure, Facial and Cranio-Sacral Release Techniques, manual Lymphatic Drainage, Crystal Healing, Ear Candling, Hot Stone Therapy, Touch for Health Kinesiology and Aromatic Kinesiology, Angelika practices Psych-K and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping) as well as Mindscape which is part of the BodyTalk system.

Being personally taught by John Veltheim, Angelika is the only advanced PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner in New Zealand. As a member of the International BodyTalk Association and the NZBA Angelika is keeping her qualifications updated regularly.

As a Reiki Master Teacher of the Ancient Usui Healing Method and Komyo Reiki Kai, Angelika is member of the NZ Reiki Association, where she is always up-to-date with her skills.
Angelika is a certified Colourpuncture therapist and Energy Emission Analysist (Kirlian photography) and the only appointed senior trainer of the Mandel Institute in New Zealand and Australia. She joins the originator and developer of Esogetic Medicine, Peter Mandel, for regular trainings and workshops.
Angelika is very passionate about helping her clients to overcome their limitations, problems and setbacks in their health, life, and well-being by addressing underlying causes instead of treating just the symptoms. She likes to incorporate many different healing techniques in her daily practice and instead of being the healer who takes over, Angelika likes to help her clients to take their dis-ease into their own hands.

Angelika is also a Oneness Blessing Giver and a Senior Leader for Robbins Research International.