
Reiki is an ancient healing technique that uses Universal energy subtly and effective to enhance and strengthen energy and Chi (life force) of body, mind and spirit. Through touch and laying of hands the healing energy will flow and balance any interruptions and blockages. Disrupted energy flow, imbalances or blockages can occur through emotional and physical trauma, injury, negative thoughts and feelings, toxicity, nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle and relationships, neglect of self and lack of love of oneself or others. Health and Well-Being benefits after a Reiki session can be:
  • A state of deep relaxation
  • Accelerated physical healing
  • Improved sleeping patterns
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Improvement of acute problems and injuries
  • Recovery from chronic problems such as asthma,
  • eczema, headaches
  • Decreased pain
  • Removed energy blockages and improved energy flow
  • Correction of the endocrine system and hormonal release
  • Recuperated cleansing of toxins from body
  • Reduction of the side effects of drugs and medicine
  • Convalescence and supported recovery after surgery or chemotherapy
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Increased vitality and postponed aging process
  • Decreased stress levels
  • Released negativity
  • Enhancement spiritual growth and emotional clearing
Reiki energy can not only be used to enhance the energy flow of people, animals, pets and plants also benefit from Reiki. Remote and surrogate sessions are also available. To read what others have to say about Reiki sessions with Angelique Healing, please click here. To make an appointment please call Angelique Healing on +64 9 578 10 35 or click here to send an email.
Reiki Seminars Reiki can be learned and applied quickly and effectively. As a fully qualified Reiki Master, Angelika offers Reiki seminars regularly. The initiation into the Reiki energy is a simple, yet very meaningful process. Reiki is taught in degrees. During the first degree the understanding of energy bodies and the attunement is the main focus while the second degree teaches symbols to be able to send Reiki and use the energy even more effectively. The third degree is the Master degree, where master symbols are introduced. Reiki becomes a life style and part of your spiritual development. If you are interested to learn about Reiki please call Angelique Healing 09 – 578 10 35 or e-mail [email protected] and ask about the latest Reiki flyer, planned dates for Reiki classes and costs.

Angelika is a member of Reiki New Zealand and therefore is keeping her qualifications as a Reiki Master Teacher updated every year. For more information please visit